About Our Cattle – 100% Genuine Grassfed
No Grain Ever, No Bull!
We produce only premium 100% grassfed black Angus beef, raised on chemical free pasture and hay. Antibiotics and growth stimulants are never administered. This product is pure, great tasting, nutrient dense and raised on our farm to our extremely high standards.
How We Manage Our Cattle
Our beef is raised as a true herbivore should be: It is 100% grassfed, and 100% grass finished on our lush, chemical free pastures. Most local farmers will raise their cattle on pasture, and then finish the cattle on an all grain (typically genetically modified grain) diet for 60-90 days. At no time do we offer our cattle any grain. Do not fall for a “grass fed” label if you are trying to procure truly 100% grassfed beef. Ask the farmer who is raising the cattle if they ever offer their animals grain.
By definition, “corn” is a “grass” and unfortunately some farmers will feed a corn (grain) product to their cows and call it 100% grassfed. We on the other hand are committed to only feeding our cattle grass or hay made on our farm. Rest assured, we produce the real deal!
On our farm, we instead practice managed rotational grazing methods that enhance the natural growth of the grasses on our pastures, which creates a truly sustainable system that requires little additional input from us. In our system the cattle are moved every 24 hours during the growing season from one paddock to the next. During the winter months, the cattle only receive hay (no grain!) that is also raised on our farm. It takes 2-2.5 years to raise the cattle to a live weight of about 900lbs with these methods, versus a 1300lb animal in as little as 16-18 months using grain.
Purchasing In Bulk
Whole or Half (1/2) Beef Orders
2024 Bulk Beef Orders Sold Out!
Please email us to be placed onto our 2025 waiting list.
If you are interested in saving money and have a larger family, buying our 100% grassfed beef in bulk is your best option! While all of the details below are for a half beef, you can simply double the figures and storage space for a whole beef.
So why buy in bulk? With a half or whole beef, you get to choose exactly how to get your cuts made. You get to select every steak, roast, stew meat, ground beef, burgers and more. You’ll also get to keep all of the organ meats, marrow bones and more! And space is not a huge issue, since a 1/2 beef only requires about 7-8 cubic feet of freezer storage.
For 2024, half or whole beef orders are sold at a price of $4.00/lb live weight, and you will be responsible to pick up the order from the butcher and pay the processing costs. The total cost for a half will be approximately $1,675 based on a 900lb animal (plus an estimated custom butchering fee of about $300), and we anticipate all of these cattle to weigh in between 850-1000lbs. Your total estimated cost per pound in the freezer will be about $12.50/lb for everything from burger to steaks (assuming you keep all usable product), and this includes vacuum sealed packages at no additional charge. As always, each animal is unique and your cut selection will make a difference in the final quantity of product you receive. The numbers above are an estimate only.
If you would like to secure a beef order, a $750 non-refundable deposit $750 is required by cash or check for each half order ($1,500/whole). If paying via a card, the deposit amount is $780/half ($1,560/whole).
Our cattle will be taken to the processor throughout the month of September and can be picked up at Odon Locker of Odon, IN. An invoice for the remaining balance will be due within seven days after delivery to the processor, and you will know well in advance what date your order will be delivered so you can plan accordingly.
Ready to order? Simply send an email to us today or use the order form linked below for whole or half (1/2) beef orders.
Deposit or final payment checks may be sent to: Simpson’s Farm Market, 1725 Wampler Road, Martinsville, IN 46151
Please note that the order form is currently closed. It will reopen to existing customers on March 1st, 2025 and will be open to everyone else on April 1st, 2025 until orders are sold out.
Online Order Form for Whole or Half Cow Beef Purchase
Fun Facts
With all of the marketing about how wonderful grain fed beef is, you may be asking yourself why that is. Did you know that within 48 hours of introducing grain into a cows diet, you can diminish many of the healthy nutritive qualities of the meat (CLA’s, Omega 3 to Omega 6 balance) by as much as 50%? And, it takes a minimum of 7 months to get those levels back to their original levels.
In addition to frequent movement of the cattle, we are harnessing the power of our chickens for the fertilization portion of the system. The chickens precede the cattle in our system fertilizing the pasture, stimulating the ground and allowing natural grasses to seed themselves and grow. Once an area has been grazed, the chickens can then be run back thru the short grass and they cycle begins again. This makes the use of harmful petroleum based chemical fertilizers unnecessary, and mimics the natural processes of nature.

Rotational “mob” grazing builds soil, stops erosion, holds water and traps CO2 faster than any other means known. To date we have converted nearly 100 acres of our farm from row crops into perennial grass systems. The USDA estimates that this saves nearly 1 ton of soil erosion per acre, per year!